Stay on Campus

Plant Awareness.
Grow Hope.

Plant Awareness. Grow Hope.

Rules & Rates for Campus Reservations

To reserve your time on campus, please complete the above Rules and Rates form and submit to along with desired dates and times. Or, call us at (937) 336-9959 and one of our team members will walk you through the process.

Seedtime Acres | West Manchester, Ohio
Seedtime Acres | West Manchester, Ohio

Where to Find Us

Located in rural western Ohio, we’re just minutes north of I-70. For those out of town, our campus is 40 minutes from Dayton, Ohio and just 90 minutes from either Cincinnati or Columbus, Ohio or Indianapolis, Indiana. Contact us at (937) 336-9959 for more information.

Seedtime Acres
759 Stephens Road
West Manchester, Ohio 45382

Seedtime Acres | West Manchester, Ohio